In industries, there are various aspects that needs to be well cared in order to reach job demands that requires to connect with people with diverse cultures. To do so, it requires understanding and skills to interact that decrease the possibility of misunderstanding that are commonly happen in this kind of environment. The job that can be done may fail if one’s taking the wrong step. Possibilities that may occur when one interacting with people in diversity such as someone with strong bias, different communication style, and when they have authority in decision making may affect the outcome of the job one’s been working on. Therefore, it is important to understand how to construct proper relationship, communicate, handling times, perceiving the truth, and how someone view the meaning of life.
Presenting something can be perceived differently, hence a proper presentation skill needs to be based on the audience. If one’s able to overcome the cultural difference and have the ability to adapt based on their interlocutor, it will result in great deals that improve every aspect of the job. It is due to diverse culture means people will have vast expanse of thought, more possibilities for innovation, improve outcome of decision making, and cover lack of understanding in diverse market. Thus, the result will be outstanding and improve the performance of job and relationship will last.
As a someone with a South East Asian background, there are several similarities in characteristic with fellow Asian culture and Muslim culture but also in the other hand believe in personal belief. In the way perceiving relationship, communicating, time, truth, meaning of life, and presentation, author will explain more how to overcome the gap. Therefore, in order to start working on managing the cultural differences, author concludes to do this list in meeting new people with diverse culture beforehand:
1. Prepare to do a background check beforehand
Doing a background check might understand with the way interlocutor might react and behave. It can be seen from which countries or culture they’re in, from verbal and non-verbal communication, and observe during meeting in person. This will help to gather information on what to do after that and to understand individual’s perspective. Whether to know how much time needed to get the deals, their patience, the way they perceive the deals, and possible outcome that may occur. Thus, this will help to understand on what to do and say.
2. Adapting to the culture of the opposite
This is important because it will help to feel like putting in their shoes. It gives what need to be followed to make the audience gets the idea that needed to be presented. Therefore, this will lessen the barrier of communication and increasing the relationship even better.
3. Dress appropriately according to the culture
A clothing that one wore might possibly offended others’ culture if not understanding them better. The clothing from one culture can be from their view from their belief and perspective of things. It is better to please the audience by dressing properly to get their attention better.
4. Respecting their culture and view
Gather information to get the understanding of the Do’s and Don’ts of each culture. This will give the audience more trust if one can respect their culture. Hence, it gives more possibility to continue with the relationship. The gesture of each countries can be perceived differently hence it’s important to know before accidentally offends them.
5. Listen more to the other
Listen to gets more of their idea and not interrupting if they prefer that. This will be the time to gather more of their background and the ideas they’re trying to give.
6. Communicate and present ideas according to the audience
In presenting ideas, the way to convey the message must be based on the audience. This will help the audience to get to listen and understand the speech better. Whether how many of the context, time-management, and the way in present the ideas.
7. Regulate evaluation
Creating an evaluation will also help to get better understand from the previous activities that are has occurred. Understand what lacks and needs to be fixed to get a better idea on fulfilling the gap.
This writing is used as one of the assignments in Customer Behavior class that I took at 2020.